Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Walking Adventure to Paris

- Travel Journal: September 8, 2007 -

I had a very nice, deep sleep last night that I woke up around 10:45 am today. At first, I thought I was going to be up and ready by noon, but apparently editing pictures and such took longer than I thought. Still, by 3 pm I was out of my apartment door, ready to explore Paris. My original destination was the American Church in Paris. In order to get there, I purposefully designed my walking route to pass the Eiffel Tower.

Seeing Eiffel Tower for the first time was just unreal. All of the sudden, the Lady appeared in my vision and I skipped a breath. “This is so cool!” was what I thought. I wonder if it’s going to be cooler than meeting Johnny Depp in person….hmm, I wonder. If you go to my album, you would see the pictures as I walked closer to the Eiffel Tower, walked underneath it, and continued to walk away from the Lady.

Now, at first I decided that's all I was going to see today besides the American Church. However, I impulsively decided to pass the Musee de L’armee, Grand Palais and Petit Palais, and even went as far as seeing the famous Le Louvre. I did not go in, but it was surreal standing in front of the pyramid and taking in my surroundings. Unbelievable, three days ago, I was not sure where to live, and today, I was standing in front of where Mona Lisa resided in. By the way, of course I found the American Church, but I barely spent my time there (since there was a wedding ceremony about to take place when I arrived).

After that, I decided to go back home. My feet started to feel numb after all that walking (from 16th arr. to 15th arr., then to 7th and 1st arr.). After a quick look on mass schedule at a church near where I live and a quick grocery shopping at a nearby small supermarket (it will be closed tomorrow), I happily returned home.

- to be continued... -

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