Sunday, September 09, 2007

Prologue: Countdown to France

- Travel journal: Prologue -

My journey to France started with some preparations. Since I would be away from the United States for four months, there were things to take care of. Storage for my belongings and car, France visa, tickets, apartment in Paris or Cergy (where ESSEC, the host university is), and even a search for an apartment for after I come back to US on January are such things I had to do.

Exciting things awaited me, but this journey’s preparation is definitely without a hardship. Applying for visa was probably a rather interesting process, but the most troublesome matter was that the university did not receive my housing reservation form. Thus, I had to go find an apartment on my own.

But I tried to prepare my experience as wonderful as possible, that’s why I asked a question about what to wear in Paris. By the way, if you read my previous post where I complained about not answering my shoes question, they actually emailed me back the day after I published my post.

Still, when my very much anticipated experience unfolded (and is still unfolding as we speak) in front of my eyes, there was no way in Heaven that I would imagine something like this would happen in my lifetime. At least, I know that by the time I come back to US in late December, I would NEVER regret signing up as an exchange student for one-semester study abroad in France.

- End of Prologue -

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