Friday, March 31, 2006

Settle in Chicago (part 2)

- category : observation -

Pheww, the last week was was filled with so many unexpected events, some happy, some confusing, the others just plain sad. Let me start with the happy one first.
When I went to UPS Store near my apartment to get some stamps, the girl who helped me was a fashion designer and she immediately asked me how tall I am, and later asked would I be interested to become her model. I found this to be a great compliment, since she found my face interesting and my body size thin enough to fit into her clothes. Moreover, this meant a lot for me since my face was still filled with remnants of acne (you definitely know what I'm talking about) ^_^ . Nevertheless, I was happy!! We still haven't got together ever since, but we'll hang out soon.

The confusing but non-negative ones were just random. Some guy asking money for bus ticket (which I completely understand, I tell you; after all, I commute everyday from uptown to downtown for at least 1:30 hours per day!), another guy asked if I want to go to some info session to get the idea of their "business plan", the portable stove that the apartment manager promised me was actually more like portable oven, 3 times missing a train because the ticket got stuck, and the maintenance guy coming early in the morning to install some shower hangers.

The sad ones happened in the last few days, that's why I kinda lost my motivation to do anything, to the degree that I wanted to get away. Unfortunately, God has different plans for me this weekend, since apparently I couldn't get a ride to visit my good friend at Minnesota or Wisconsin. Perhaps another time......
I'll let you know what went wrong. I wasn't accepted into a university that I wanted, although up until this moment I am still unsure what the reasons were. I was hoping to transfer from IIT to another university, but the task seemed harder every day. Also, the thing with the info session was fine, despite I needed to be dressed in my business suit, rode a bus for 30 minutes, took a train for another 10 minutes, and ended up one stop away from O'Hare airport. The gentleman (who asked me to go) then picked me up at the train station with his wife. This part was an accomplishment, since I never actually travel that far by myself since I arrived at Chicago around 2.5 weeks ago. But it went downhill after that.

The info session was actually about a multi-level marketing company (I won't tell the name), where an Independent Business Owner (IBO, that's each and every one of them) would sell products via internet and coach other IBOs under them to get more money. It was fine until I realized how late the night had come. When I expected to be there for only about 1.5 hours had grown into the situation where I was stuck for 3 hours. Rather than thinking about the "business plan", I was more concerned about how to get home. There were some misunderstandings here and there, but eventually the gentleman drove me home. Of course, not after he asked me what time we should meet the day after. Sounds Ok? Well, it's not. It's really nice to him to drive me home, but to meet immediately the day after was too much of a strech for me. Not enough time to get things sink in, do you know what I mean? I was getting negative impressions, and as you can see, it will become even uglier.

At the meeting the day after, I told them that as for now, I would not be joining the team. It wasn't the right time for me, and I'm not willing to invest my (limited) money to mostly recruit people. It just wasn't my priority right now. The wife tried to coax me, saying they could get someone to help me start, but I also turned it down. Then the conversation heated when I told them I did some research about them in the internet and also talked with some people I trusted to hear about their opinions. One of the people I talked with was my boyfriend, whom the gentleman initially intended to recruit when we met at IKEA. When I told him we're not interested, he got defensive and asked what's wrong with multi-level marketing. It's legal structure to make money, why was I being negative about it, and even influence my boyfriend, etc etc. The thing is, I have NOTHING against multi-level marketing, it's just not for me! If it's working fine for him and his family, great! But not me! I got so upset and so insulted that I half-yelled at them, tapped my angry hand on a table at a Starbucks store. Eventually they gave up and we went to our separate ways.

I got so frustated and angry and dissapointed when I walked home, so I called my boyfriend. But it wasn't the right time to call him, apparently. A one-sided heated ramblings from me turned into an ugly conversation. Now we both got upset. This and that everywhere, I think I experience some degree of depression right now. It's funny 'coz I just thought that I had never felt lonely, well, here I am now. Broken hearted and depressed. I was hoping to go to Minnesota and met a good friend of mine there, but it won't happen.

Please pray for me guys, and if you wanna talk, you know how to reach me.
God speed and God bless.

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