Monday, March 06, 2006

message for Eveline

- category: miscellanous/observation -


in a blink of an eye, almost a month has passed since we last saw your tearful face at the Madison airport.
I still remember vividly when you finally passed through the security gate officers, who meticulously examined both you and your belongings despite the final boarding call of your flight. To tell you the truth, we almost screamed, "Just let her board the damn plane!!!" but decided to do otherwise since we didn't want to get caught ridiculously.

Instead, we synchronously (or at least attempted to) wave our hands and sang "Sayonara, sampai berjumpa pula" when you passed in front of us one last time, with only a glass wall separating us. You stopped for a brief moment, as if you wanted to tresure the things you would leave behind for only God knows how long.
Then, we frantically pointed to your gate, still blaring the final boarding call, since we didn't want you to miss the flight. When you eventually dragged your feet and ran off, that was the last we ever saw you.

Well....I miss you.

I know this post was long overdue, but everyday I reminded myself that I need to post a 'tribute for Eveline'. Not only because I promised you that, but more importantly because you, my friend, deserved it.
Your laughters, your cute attitude, your always-ready-for-camera smiles, your cooking ^_^, and even your mere pressence never failed to light up the room. Therefore it was such a frustatingly depressing moment when I stepped up to your embrace that day at the airport, when it finally hit me that I would need the gracious hands of fate to arrange our future meetings.

Many of us here loved you, Eveline. I think I'm just one of them. Time was too cruel to limit our acquintances, it was only one or two years I finally got to be a little bit closer to you. Nevertheless, I could proudly say that it was truly a blessing to get to know you (and no, I'm not being sappy, I'm dead serious). No matter where your life takes you, always remember that you have friends that will always welcome you with open arms. Then perhaps you would sail more calmly through those difficult times.

So Eveline, my dear, please keep smiling.
Your smile's worth is comparable to sunlight after horrible snowstorm in Madison.

So long my friend, until we meet again.
If perhaps fate would be so kind, we may meet again this summer.

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