Wednesday, February 01, 2006

under construction and resolution

-category: observations- (see my profile for complete list)

I created this blog since January 13, but have done virtually nothing in it..^_^
And to be honest, I actually began to doubt my sincerity of my commitment to create this blog. Was it just an influence of worldwide hype? Was it my boyfriend's endless persuassions to be productive everyday? Or was I just plain lazy?

As I think about it, I am sure that 60% of the answer is that I am lazy. The other 40% lies on my stubbornness. All this time, I resist having a blog fiercely since I don't want people reading stuff online about me. It's like a public diary, which is just nonsense. A diary is supposed to be private, a thing such as public diary is just a direct violation to people's privacy.

However, I gradually realize that my stubbornness, while can prove useful sometimes, is serving myself a supreme idiocy. Many people want to be heard, and sometimes people cannot communicate as effectively as they think. There are also many things that are better left unsaid but interesting to discuss through writing. As for me, in addition to having a mind that constantly observing, my hyeractive imagination also keeps running, creating stories on its own world. I am very thankful that God gives me good memory, so I can actually memorize all of them. Only one thing doesn't seem right; how do I share those stories? Stories mean nothing without audience, without listeners, without readers, and most importantly, without appreciation of any kind.

There's where blog comes in! It's actually brilliant! Blogging is relevant for me since I want to have a media to share my stories and perspectives. I am ashamed of myself of not starting this a lot sooner. I'm a "late bloomer" in this field, but hey, better late than never.

Plus, my boyfriend gave me this article "Early Retirement" yesterday. While the article, as the title suggests, deals mostly with what steps to take to retire early, it actually states that having a web diary actually improves your time management skill, implies that it is a necessary step to gain more happiness in life. Here is the link to the article:

So, having a clear purpose of having a blog, I hope I can grow my commitment to update regularly. As for construction, I am going to update the header image for Naruhodo-Ne. While it's actually cute, I am not all too pleased with it. Please pray for my ongoing commitment, people!

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