Monday, October 08, 2007

The Week of French Exam begins

- Travel Journal: September 24, 2007 -

Note: I don't have a laptop right now, so I am using a computer in school with a French keyboard to type...oh, the joy...oh, and there is no journal on September 25.

I woke up too late and didn’t shower before school today. I managed to catch a (not so late) train to Cergy, and I could only smiled sheepishly while the teacher glared at me when I opened the classroom door on 9:25 am. After school, I had an interesting experience trying to look for a plunger with Sandra. We raced around Auchan with one of the managers and still could not find it. Seriously, it's like one of the old TV series where you have to find specific things on the supermarket aisles in a time limit! ... But we finally gave up. In turn, I bought some stuff for early food stocking and promise to buy more tomorrow. After that, I went back home and started updating blogs again when I met my boyfriend online and started chatting with him. Imagine my shock when I realized that I forgot his birthday more than a week ago! OMG! He was very sweet about it though, and I promised to buy him a nice souvenir when I go back to US in December.

- to be continued...(No update on Tuesday) -

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