Saturday, April 29, 2006

What a gloomy day

- category : observation -

Today was feels plain weird for me. It actually started yesterday night, when my allergy medicine made me drowsy around 7 pm and eventually forced me to sleep until 12 am. So I woke up, read some manga scanlations, updated my blog, and all of a sudden, it was 7 am. I felt sleepy again, so I slept until around 1 pm (there were some concious times in between due to alarm and some people calling, but basically I had a long, episodic-like dream).

I decided to go to the grocery, but never made it until 4:30 pm due to some hillarious videos from By the time I went out, it was raining (and I hate rain) and a bit windy. I did pretty quick grocery shopping, but not fast enough to avoid a guy hitting on me. I found it difficult to "shoo" him since he told me about his job and all while occasionally winked.......
I had no heart to tell him I have a boyfriend already, so I kept my answers short and ambiguous. Man, sometimes I feel tired to listen to someone who cannot pick up the clue that I'm not interested. Of course it's flattering to have people come up and say nice things about you, but I am really not interested to take it further (dating) since I'm kinda committed already.

Perhaps I should wear a ring on my left ring finger......
Other than that little incident, everything was boring......except that one mail that angered me. y previous landlord gave my money back but cut a ridiculous $69 due to some "underpayment of my account". I really have no clue what that is, since the deposit and everything was done in full refund......I don't know, it just pissed me off.....

Enough about this, I need to work on my paper outline for my two classes.
For those of you reading until the end, I hope your day is not as boring as me. God bless.

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