Monday, January 08, 2007

Missed Calls

- category: personal -

Just a little experience for coming home later than your beloved, when he expects you to be home when he comes home from work. This work is done during my winter break (December 2006) when I visited my boyfriend in San Francisco, but was just too lazy to put it up online.
Hurry! While I have some time before class, put it now!! Here it is, Missed Calls.

*manga: Japanese comic books


Hn. She thought her cell phone vibrated.
She picked it up from inside her bag.
7 missed calls. From the same person. In 10 minute span.

She called the person back. It's answered.
"Why you called so late?"
"Why did you not pick up your phone?"

Oh dear, good ol' questions. Why did not she?
Was the manga* she read engulfed her mind so?
Or did her mind subconsciously choose to ignore the phone calls?

Hn. Actually, she thought it's the later.
You see, she was tired being the one waiting.
Greeting him when he came home after work was past.

So she chose to go out to this bookstore,
deliberately some time relatively close to 5 pm.
Catching up with fascinating tales and adventures,
which she has grown fond of over the years.
She thought, 'I'd be done a little after he arrive home.'

Selfish? Well, probably.
She called it boredom. And envy.
Boredom from waiting for him at home from time to time.
And envy at him for being the one waited for everyday.

She knew she was supposed to get the dinner ready
when her beloved come home.
But that's an old-fashioned idea she never agreed entirely.
After all, she's just a human,
who wants to be the one waited for sometimes.

She came home.
She rang the bell.
And the door opened,
revealing her charming beloved.

She smiled.

- fin -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


emang suka ngebosenin nungguin di rumah...which is why gue slalu pinjem mobilnya robby buat least jadi ga kekekang di rumah doank nungguin dia pulang ampe kempot...

and biasanya paling enak ke borders ato ngga barnes and noble...soalnya kalo ke mall pasti kluarnya membawa banyak kantong blanjaan yg ada jadi tambah bokek and dimarahin ama si Robby...jadi yaaa mendingan baca komik aja di borders ama barnes and noble walaupun there's time yg jadi bosen juga gara2 uda baca almost semua komik yg ada di sono...hahahaha...

anyways...uda balik skolah ya? kaget juga gue pas diceritain ama robby kalo kelas loe tgl 2 uda mulai...bener2 skolah yg kejam...tapi libur loe juga mulai lebih awal sih yaaa...

well, gue juga bentar lagi balik skolah...*sigh* rela banget...well kalo nanti loe mau nitip apa2 dari sini kasih tau gue yaaaa...nanti gue bawain...toh si robby juga rencananya mau dateng ke madison begitu gue balik...jadi biar skalian nanti dibawain ke CA...

ok deh, Mir!...Take care yaaaa...